Amar/17/ September 14th, 2000/ Lesbian/ Multiracial

My moms mom is an Afro Native American and her dad is a Mizrahi and Sephardic Jew, My daddy's white. Pwease no wacefakew accusashuns

I'm very esoteric and spiritual

The overly personal stuff you probably don't care about:
I'm a future nursing student, currently in an alternative high school Future nurse or phlebotomist and future future genetic counselor/ geneticist

If you couldn't guess, I love medical aesthetics and menhera and medical shit in general. I'm also big into psychology and the history of cults. And gyaru, i love gyaru.

I'm dxed with Bipolar 1 (though I'm being considered for a schizoaffective diagnosis idgaf fuck 12), BPD, and PTSD. I also have a TBI and dystonia

anyways thats all the oversharing shit im supposed to put i think. Follow @evilfriends @possession @traumamining and @nukacult theyre skinny
@benadwyl is my wifey for lifey


Gretchen Weiners, Mean Girls



Yuno Gasai, Future Diary

Mikan Tsumiki, Dangan Ronpa

Tinkerbell, all versions

Marceline, Adventure Time

Misa Amane, Death Note

Fran Fine, The Nanny

Needy, Jennifers Body

Asami, Audition

Hello Kitty

D.W., Arthur

Amy Dunne, Gone Girl

Yuri, DDLC

Darlene Alderson, Mr. Robot

( Made with Carrd )